Ahmd Hoshan Apps

رجيم التمر واللبن 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
ريجيم التمر و اللبن هو نوع جديد من أنواعالحميات التي تستخدم بهدف فقدان الوزن بسرعة من أجل سبب ما على المدىالقصيرهل ريجيم التمر واللبن ينقص 7 كيلوجرامات في غضون 10 أيام ؟نجد أن الفرق بين السعرات الحرارية التي يوفرها نظام ريجيم التمر واللبن و بين احتياجات الإنسان في أقل الأحوال تصل إلى 1000 سعر حراريناقص، و هذه السعرات يتم تعويضها من خلال حرق جزء من مخزون الدهون فيجسم الإنسانرجيم التمر واللبنDiet of dates and milk isa new kind of diets that are used in order to lose weight fast forsome reason in the short termIs diet of dates and milk decreases 7 pounds in 10 days?We find that the difference between the calories provided by thediet system that dates and milk and between human needs in lesscases up to 1000 calories a minus, and these calories arecompensated by burning part of the fat stored in the human bodyDiet dates and milk
Subway Bunny Run 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Bunny's journey in the subway help therabbit to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect as muchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughout thegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game would befrom beginning to experience lever.
رجيم السوائل 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
رجيم السوائل هي حمية تعتمد اعتماداً أساسياًعلى المشروبات التي تحتوي على الكثير من العناصر الغذائية الهامة التييحتاجها جسم الإنسان مثل الفيتامينات والبروتينات والمعادن والتي لايمكن للشخص الاستغناء عنها و بأقل قدر ممكن من السعرات الحراريةوالدهون و لذلك يجب الالتزام بما جاء في هذه الحمية حرفياً حتى لاينقص الجسم عنصر غذائي هام أو يؤثر على فعالية الحمية النهائية إلاإذا كان ذلك بأمر من الطبيب المختص المعالج، ولذلك يمكن اعتباره أيضاًحميه سريعة ، حيث يمكن للشخص من خلال إتباعه أن يخسر وزن يتراوح مابين 5 إلى 10 كيلوجرامات في الأسبوع الواحد بمعدل 1 كيلوجرام باليومويمكن إعادة إتباع الحمية بعد الانتهاء شريطة أخذ فترة راحة لازمةتتراوح بين يوم إلى ثلاثة أيام تجمع بين الإكثار من الحركة والتدقيقفيما يتم تناوله ويفضل ألا يتم إتباعها إلا بإذن الطبيب حسب حالة كلشخص.بالانتظام على إتباع حمية السوائل لمدة أسبوع واحد يمكن للشخص أن يخسرحوالي 7 كيلو جرام في الأسبوع ومن الهام جداً خلال فترة إتباع الحميةأن يتم شرب الكثير من الماء على مدار اليوم للحصول على أفضل نتيجةممكنة و يمكن التبديل خلال فترة إتباع الحمية بين الوجبات لتجنبالشعور بالروتين والملل كما يمكن التوقف عن إتباع الحمية في الوقتالمطلوب شريطة التدقيق فيما يتم تناوله والإكثار من الحركة والرياضةللحفاظ على الوزن المفقود. أما بالنسبة للرجيم فبدون تعديل هو غنيبالعناصر الغذائية المطلوبة لجسم الشخص فضلاً عن غناه بالعديد منالعناصر الغذائية بأقل قدر ممكن من السعرات الحرارية والدهون.ريجيم السوائلريجيم الماءريجيم العصائررجيم السوائلDiet fluids are dietrelies primarily on drinks that contain a lot of importantnutrients needed by the human body such as vitamins, proteins andminerals, which can not be a person dispensable and with minimalcalories and fat and therefore must abide by in this diet literallyuntil the body does not diminish food item significant or affectthe effectiveness of the final diet, but if that is the order ofthe competent physician, and therefore can be considered also DIETfast, where a person can through his followers to lose weightranging from 5 to 10 kg per week at a rate of 1 kg per day and canbe re-dieting after the completion condition took a rest period ofcrisis ranging from one to three days combining a lot of movementand with the audit be addressed, preferably not be followed by adoctor without the permission of the status of each person.Attendance to follow the diet of liquids for a period of one week aperson can lose about 7 kg per week and it is very important duringthe period following the diet that is drink plenty of waterthroughout the day to get the best possible result and can switchduring the period of dieting between meals to avoid feeling routineand boredom can also stop dieting in a timely manner provided inthe audit are addressed and a lot of movement and sports to keepthe lost weight. As for the diet Without the amendment it is richin nutrients required for a person's body as well as the riches ofmany nutrients with minimum calories and fat.Liquid dietWater dietDiet juicesDiet fluid
Jumping Unicorn 2.1
Ahmd Hoshan
Help the Unicorn to jump from platform to theother. The challenge is preventing Unicornfrom falling and continuing his way up . collect the coins whichyou're goingto find in your way up, and make sure to eat those candies to powerup your Unicornto continue his jumping journey. A huge surprises waiting forUnicorn to capturethem and help him continue his way up. Part of the surprises wouldhurt Unicorn so watchout and keep Unicorn away from the bombs.Share your accomplishments with your friends and challenge themwith your scores.
وصفات مجربة لتنحيف الكرش 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
تطبيق وصفات مجربة لتنحيف الكرش يحتوى على أفضلالوصفات لمساعدتك على تنحيف الكرش والتخلص من دهون الكرش بشكلنهائيApplication and testedrecipes for slimming rumen has the best recipes to help youslimming rumen and get rid of the fat rumen final
Just For Laughs Jokes 1.1
Ahmd Hoshan
Just For Laughs Jokes
حكم الفلاسفة 2.4
Ahmd Hoshan
تطبيق حكم الفلاسفة هو تطبيق يعمل على منصةالاندرويد، يحتوي التطبيق على أزيد من 600 حكمة لأشهر الفلاسفة حولالعالم امثال سقراط وافلاطون وايضا الفارابي والقديس أغسطينوس وابنسينا وأبو حامد الغزالي وابن طفيل وابن خلدون و ديكارت وفرانسيس بيكونوإيمانويل كانت وهيغل وآرثر شوبنهاور وابن النفيس وجون ديوي وسورينكيركغور وألبرت شفايتزر وتوماس كارليل وفريدريك نيتشه وجان جاك روسووجلال الدين الرومي وجون ستيوارت ميل وجون كالفن وكارل ماركسوكونفوشيوس وابن عربي وزرادشت ونيكولو مكيافيلي وباروخ سبينوزاوهرقليطس وغيرهم... تم صناعة تطبيق حكم الفلاسفة ليكون بجودة عاليهتناسب المستعمل العربي.The application of therule of philosophers is the application running on the Androidplatform, the application on more than 600 wisdom for monthsphilosophers around the world the likes of Socrates and Platocontain, as well as al-Farabi and St. Augustine, Avicenna andAl-Ghazali and Ibn Tufail and Ibn Khaldun and Descartes and FrancisBacon and Immanuel Kant and Hegel and Arthur Schopenhauer and Ibnal-Nafis and John Dewey and Søren Kierkegaard and Albert Schweitzerand Thomas Carlyle, and Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-JacquesRousseau and Rumi and John Stuart Mill and John Calvin and KarlMarx and Confucius and Ibn Arabi and Zoroaster and NiccoloMachiavelli and Baruch Spinoza and Heraclitus and others ... havebeen applied the rule of philosophers industry to be a quality highfit the Arab user.
Cool Clean Jokes 1.1
Ahmd Hoshan
Cool Clean jokes designed for having fun andjoking around and puts you in a good mood Its recommended to shareyour favorable jokes with your friendThe application has a stylish modern sense of humor but in a cleanversion and clean language. therefore it's really appropriate foryour and your family members having time sharing the Cool CleanJokes and laughing at it.Keep updating with the app and the new jokes we would love to sharewith you.
Daily Workout Plan 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
Organize your workout schedule and apply thedaily exercises that would help you to get in shape and stay fitthrough a specific timing . The techniques are totally suitable forboth genders .The app designed so you can work equally on all yourbody muscles. these workout techniques quite have the required andcertified approvals. Still you must take your doctor opinion ifthere is any possible effects on your health.
Kids memory - Nature 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
The Kids Memory app is designed for kids toimprove their short-term memory and speed recognition skills.The game has a collection of overturned cards wish have aparticular figure orview of nature. And that specific photohas another matching photo. If the kid succeeded to flip twoidentical cards thenthe kid starts to collect points. And the player must continuefiguring out therest of the hidden cars and finding their matching photo.The game is expected to help the kid indirectly to develop theirneuroticabilities especially their short-term memory. Besides, combining acolorfuleye-catching photos would help the kid keeping up with thegame.It's extremely important to mention that addiction is nothealthy.
Stick Bunny 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
Help Bunny to skip the holes by stretching thesticks so Bunny can keep walking to the other side.Make sure the stick in fully formatted so Bunny won't fall downStick BunnyStick RabbitRun Bunny
Bunny Run 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Bunny's journey in the road helpthebunny to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect asmuchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughoutthegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.
Lose Body Fat 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
Learn How to lose body fatWhy Do I Gain WeightWhat Do I Do Now?Healthy Nutrition And Its BenefitsThe Importance Of ExerciseLiving The Healthy LifestyleThe Secrets of Staying HealthyThe Advantages of Staying Healthy*And don't forget to Grap Your FREE Gift: 7 Day WeightLossGuide
Subway Monkey Run 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Monkey's journey in the subway helpthemonkey to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect asmuchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughoutthegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.
Jungle Monkey Adventure 2 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Monkey's journey in the jungles helpthemonkey to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect asmuchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughoutthegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.
Jungle Bunny 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Bunny's journey in the jungles helptherabbit to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect asmuchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughoutthegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.
Battle Run 2 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Warrior's journey in the Battle helpthewarrior to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect asmuchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughoutthegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.
Subway Crocodile Run 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
During Crocodile's journey in the subwayhelpthe crocodile to skip the different levels and obstacles.collectas much as you can the carrots which you're going tofoundthroughout the game.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.Subway Crocodile RunCrocodile Run
Jungle Cat 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
Jungle Cat is a cool running andjumpingadventure game.Cat Kong is a brave, agile and lovely Cat, on a beautiful dayhewent into the jungle to pick up fruits.But the jungle is fullofdanger,he needs your help to get out.
Jumping Gum 2.1
Ahmd Hoshan
Help the Gum to jump from platform totheother. The challenge is preventing Gumfrom falling and continuing his way up . collect the coinswhichyou're goingto find in your way up, and make sure to eat those candies topowerup your Gumto continue his jumping journey. A huge surprises waiting for Gumtocapturethem and help him continue his way up. Part of the surpriseswouldhurt Gum so watchout and keep Gum away from the bombs.Share your accomplishments with your friends and challenge themwithyour scores.
Flying Koala 1.3
Ahmd Hoshan
Are your ready for the NEXT challenging gameThe : "Flying Koala" desighned so you can help the Koalamovingthrough different obstacles.Achieve the highest scores bytappingthe screen once to direct the Koala left or right and makesurethat the flying Koala stay away from the obstacles.Tap the screen to keep the Koala up in the air.Let the Koala pass through the sticks to level up.You have not to touch monsters, the borders of the screen oranyother objects.Try to beat players’ high score to be in the top oftheleaderboard.This game is addictive and also optimized for both tabletsandphones with a beautiful responsive design.Enjoy it!Flying KoalaJumping KoalaKoala Copter
Impove Your Memory 1.0.3
Ahmd Hoshan
Improving Your MemoryMemory Improvement
Flying Reindeer 1.3
Ahmd Hoshan
Are your ready for the NEXT challenging gameThe : "Flying Reindeer" desighned so you can help theReindeermoving through different obstacles.Achieve the highestscores bytapping the screen once to direct the Reindeer left orright andmake sure that the flying Reindeer stay away fromtheobstacles.Tap the screen to keep the Reindeer up in the air.Let the Reindeer pass through the sticks to level up.You have not to touch monsters, the borders of the screen oranyother objects.Try to beat players’ high score to be in the top oftheleaderboard.This game is addictive and also optimized for both tabletsandphones with a beautiful responsive design.Enjoy it!Flying ReindeerFlying ReindFlying Doughnut
Dragon Run 2 1
Ahmd Hoshan
During Dragon's journey in the floor helpthedragon to skip the different levels and obstacles. collect asmuchas you can the carrots which you're going to found throughoutthegame.you have the option to choose how difficult the game wouldbefrom beginning to experience lever.
Spooky Selfies 1.0
Ahmd Hoshan
Take a selfie and edit your photo usingthemodification options and more accessories to make your selfmorespooky.